License notice

Dear users of this website,

from 01.06.2024 until 01.06.2025, all my compositions, which are available for download on this website, are under the following license:

The following uses are permitted:

1. Private use
You can use the compositions alone to make music or make music with others without an audience.

2. For performance purposes
You can perform the compositions in schools, music schools, colleges and even private educational institutions.
You can also perform the compositions at concert events for up to 100 visitors.

The only condition for the right to perform is the naming of my name, Karl Frers, as a composer.

Temporary from 01.06.2024 until 01.06.2025 are all my audio / video productions, which are offered for download on this website,
under the following license:

The following usage is permitted:

1. Private use
You can use the audio / video productions alone to hear / see with others without audience.

If you would like to use my compositions or audio / video productions for use in radio broadcasts, as film music, for advertising purposes or the like,
Please contact me to clarify the legal and economic conditions.


These rights are limited from 01.06.2024 until 01.06.2025. If you intend further uses or other uses, please contact me so that we can then find a regulation.

Yours Karl Frers


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